Bosch GEX 125 AC - Manuel d'utilisation - Page 85

Rectifieuse Bosch GEX 125 AC - Manuel d'utilisation, à lire gratuitement en ligne au format PDF. Nous espérons que cela vous aidera à résoudre toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir. Si vous avez encore des questions, contactez-nous via le formulaire de contact.
Table des matières:
- Page 6 – Noise/Vibration Information; Wear hearing protection!; Declaration of Conformity; Assembly; Replacing the Sanding Sheet
- Page 7 – Selecting the Sanding Sheet
- Page 8 – Auxiliary Handle; Operation; Starting Operation; Switching On and Off
- Page 9 – Sanding Plate Brake; Working Advice; Sanding Surfaces
- Page 10 – Maintenance and Service; Maintenance and Cleaning; not; After-sales Service and Customer; Great Britain
- Page 11 – Disposal; Only for EC countries:
1 609 929 N98 | (13.11.08)
Bosch Power Tools
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Tiesības uz izmaiņām tiek saglabātas. Page 236 Thursday, November 13, 2008 9:49 AM
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18 | English 1 609 929 N98 | (13.11.08) Bosch Power Tools Noise/Vibration Information Measured values determined according to EN 60745.Typically the A-weighted sound pressure level of the product is 75 dB(A). Uncertainty K = 3 dB.The noise level when working can exceed 80 dB(A). Wear hearing protect...
English | 19 Bosch Power Tools 1 609 929 N98 | (13.11.08) Selecting the Sanding Sheet Depending on the material to be worked and the required rate of material removal, different sanding sheets are available: Selection of the Sanding Plate Depending on the application, the machine can be equipped wit...
20 | English 1 609 929 N98 | (13.11.08) Bosch Power Tools Dust/Chip Extraction f Dusts from materials such as lead-containing coatings, some wood types, minerals and metal can be harmful to one’s health. Touch-ing or breathing-in the dusts can cause aller-gic reactions and/or lead to respiratory inf...
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